Enough of his life to explain his reputation
By John Erskine
Enough of his life to explain his reputation
By John Erskine
“...We are past our youth and the secret is gone.It's to late for us to be anything but philosophers.”
(by Arglides)
“My idea is that the energy other men waste in loving and being loyal,and pretending to be,might just as wel as go into some real work,important and sincere. ...”
(by Guinevere)

“Most men,even though they think they have their independence,can be drawn this way and that by a pretty face or a grateful body - all the woman has to do is to show herself to them, and they begin imagining she's their soul-mate or a predestined sympathetic friend. After that anything's possible.”
(by Guinevere)
P218 “...A really brave man,I've always thought,would keep his ideals without retiring from life.”
(by Guinevere)